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Badwater® Search 3 Found

Total number of unique Badwater entries: 1292      Total number of unique Badwater finishers: 1090

Bib # First Name Last Name M/F Home Town State Country Nationality Event Age Bib Wave Status Time Note # Finishes # 48h # 36h
32 Alyson Venti F Miami Florida United States United States 2014 Badwater 135 32 32 800 FIN 28:37:28 2 2 2
32 Alyson Venti F New York New York United States United States 2015 Badwater 135 33 32 2300 DNF   2 2 2
32 Alyson Venti F   Barbados United States 2016 Badwater 135 34 32 2300 FIN 25:53:07 2 2 2