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Badwater® Search 4 Found

Total number of unique Badwater entries: 1226      Total number of unique Badwater finishers: 1090

Bib # First Name Last Name M/F Home Town State Country Nationality Event Age Bib Wave Status Time Note # Finishes # 48h # 36h
18 Iris Cooper F Toronto Ontario Canada Switzerland 2009 Badwater 135 50 18 800 FIN 52:09:23 Lost 13 hours, 40 minutes due to forest fire. Earned a sub-48 hour buckle. 4 3 2
18 Iris Cooper F Toronto Ontario Canada Switzerland 2010 Badwater 135 51 18 800 FIN 35:21:52 4 3 2
18 Iris Cooper F Toronto Ontario Canada Switzerland 2011 Badwater 135 52 18 800 FIN 29:51:23 4 3 2
18 Iris Cooper F Toronto Ontario Canada Switzerland 2013 Badwater 135 54 18 1000 FIN 36:42:40 4 3 2